Through donations, bursaries and awards, the Tallow Chandlers’ Company supports schools, including three flagship London schools, further and higher educational establishments and organisations linked by trade. We enjoy a continued relationship with our Past Award Winners, who are invited to a special annual supper at Tallow Chandlers' Hall.

Our Flagships

We have three London flagship schools which each receive three-year grants and are also supported by a programme of non-financial giving.

Our non-financial support enables a wide range of educational activities such as STEM business mentoring, mock interviews, group and one-to-one mentoring, a ‘dragons’ den’ science competition, and various careers activities. We also provide support to governance and members of the Company are associate governors at each flagship school.

Donations, Bursaries and Awards

The Tallow Chandlers' Company supports a number of schools, universities and organisations through annual donations, bursaries and awards.

We also recognise achievement in areas related to our (oils, fats and energy) and in the study of relevant subjects (science, technology, engineering and maths: STEM), through various Tallow Chandlers' Awards.

Use the arrows below to find out who we currently support.

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